To perform a face authentication it is required to have already an "Identification" and its verification ID. The process consist in a liveness check of the user and a final check to verify the match with the identification.
Make your class conform to AuthenteqFaceAuthenticationDelegate protocol
Use your client keys to create a UIViewController from Authenteq SDK
Present returned UIViewController modally
Handle result in your delegate implementation
Example to Start a Face Authentication
Please update the below code with your Client ID and Client Secret from your Customer Dashboard.
We suggest to use the token authentication in production environment.
We suggest to app the following code to the relevant Storyboard or ViewController.
import AuthenteqFlow
class ExampleViewController: UIViewController {
func faceAuthentication() {
let faceAuthenticationParams = FaceAuthenticationParams(
clientId: "< YOUR CLIENT ID >",
clientSecret: "< YOUR CLIENT SECRET >",
verificationId: verificationId
let viewController = AuthenteqFlow.instance.faceAuthenticationViewController(
with: faceAuthenticationParams,
delegate: self
viewController.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
present(viewController, animated: true)
extension ExampleViewController: AuthenteqFaceAuthenticationDelegate {
func authenteqDidFinishFaceAuthentication(with code: String) {
presentedViewController?.dismiss(animated: true)
// Check face authentication result with the CODE provided
func authenteqDidFailFaceAuthentication(with error: AuthenteqFlowError) {
// Handle error
presentedViewController?.dismiss(animated: true)
@import AuthenteqFlow;
@interface ExampleViewController: UIViewController <AuthenteqFaceAuthenticationDelegate>
@implementation ExampleViewController
- (void)faceAuthentication {
FaceAuthenticationParams *params =
[[FaceAuthenticationParams alloc] initWithClientId:@"<YOUR CLIENT ID>"
clientSecret:@"<YOUR CLIENT SECRET>"
UIViewController *viewController =
[[AuthenteqFlow instance] faceAuthenticationViewControllerWith:params
viewController.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationFullScreen;
[self presentViewController:viewController animated:true completion:nil];
#pragma MARK - AuthenteqFaceAuthenticationDelegate
- (void)authenteqDidFinishFaceAuthenticationWith:(nonnull NSString *)code {
[self.presentedViewController dismissViewControllerAnimated:true completion:nil];
NSLog(@"Did finish face authentication with code:\n%@", code);
// Check face authentication result with the CODE provided
- (void)authenteqDidFailFaceAuthenticationWith:(enum AuthenteqFlowError)error {
// Handle error
[self.presentedViewController dismissViewControllerAnimated:true completion:nil];
NSLog(@"Did finish face authentication with error: %ld", (long) error);
Authentication Token can be obtained with face authentication API and then specified with the FaceAuthenticationParams as the following code:
let faceAuthenticationParams = FaceAuthenticationParams(
clientId: "< YOUR CLIENT ID >",
token: "< TOKEN >",
verificationId: verificationId
let viewController = AuthenteqFlow.instance.faceAuthenticationViewController(
with: faceAuthenticationParams,
delegate: self
present(viewController, animated: true)
"errorCode": "API_KEYS_MISSING",
"errorMessage": "No API Keys in the Authorization header"
"errorMessage": "Account deactivated. Please contact your Authenteq Sales Representative in order to keep using this service"
When successful the response will contain a single boolean property named success: