



Authenteq SDK consist in 3 different modules:

  • Core (required)

  • Live ID document scanner (optional)

  • Live ID document scanner database (optional)

Cocoapods installation​‌

  • Project dependencies are specified in a file called Podfile. Create this file in the same directory as your Xcode project file (.xcodeproj) if it doesn't already exist.

  • Add the following lines to the head of your Podfile: (make sure to replace YOUR_PROJECT_NAME)

platform :ios, '11.0'
source ''
source ''
  • Add Core pod to your target:

pod 'AuthenteqFlow'
  • Optionally add the pod for the Live ID document scanner:

pod 'AuthenteqFlowDocScanner'
  • Optionally add the pod for the Live ID document scanner database, otherwise it will be downloaded at runtime:

pod 'AuthenteqFlowDocScannerDB'
  • Run Terminal command to install the dependencies in your project:

pod install

Project settings

  • Under the Build Settings tab, make sure the iOS Deployment Target is 11.0 or higher

  • Add NSCameraUsageDescription key in your Info.plist file

  • Under the Info tab, add description as to why camera access is required by clicking the small `+` button and adding the text

  • For example: 'Camera permission is needed to take a photo of your document and face for identification.'

Setup project for NFC scanning

  • Add NFCReaderUsageDescription key in your Info.plist file

  • Add key in your Info.plist file and specify A0000002471001 as 'Item 0'.

  • Add Near Field Communication Tag Reading capability in project "Signing & Capabilities" section.

Last updated

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