API Reference

The details of API endpoints for Web IDV.

Request Identity Verification

GET https://api.app.authenteq.com/web-idv/verification-url

This endpoint returns a URL that leads to Authenteq Identity Server. This endpoint is authorized with Basic Auth. You should use your Client ID and Client Secret from the Customer Dashboard as the credentials.

Query Parameters


  "verificationUrl": "https://web-idv.app.authenteq.com/verify?token=<token>"

This endpoint should be called by your backend system.

The client secret, as its name suggests, is a secret and should never be made publicly available. It SHOULD NOT be stored in the frontend code that is run in the user's browser.

Get Verification Result Details

GET https://api.app.authenteq.com/web-idv/verification-result

The endpoint returns the verification result details extracted from the user document during identification. The verification result details are paired with the granted code. This endpoint is authorized with Basic Auth. You should use your Client ID and Client Secret from the Customer Dashboard as the credentials.

Query Parameters


  "id": "3631324b-5bcc-48b0-b717-4f12f45e0a1d",
  "status": "PASSED",
  "platform": "WEB",
  "startTime": "2020-04-10T11:44:40Z",
  "endTime": "2020-04-10T11:47:23Z",
  "livenessFaceImage": {
    "contentType": "image/jpeg",
    "content": "bGl2ZW5lc3NGYWNlSW1hZ2UK"
  "documentData": {
    "documentType": "DL",
    "documentNumber": "1234567890",
    "issuingCountry": "USA",
    "jurisdiction": "UT",
    "nationality": "USA",
    "surnameAndGivenNames": "DOE JOHN",
    "surname": "DOE",
    "givenNames": "JOHN",
    "nameSuffixes": "MR",
    "namePrefixes": "JR",
    "sex": "M",
    "dateOfBirth": "1964-12-30",
    "dateOfExpiry": "2022-12-30",
    "dateOfIssue": "2012-05-30",
    "address": "430-985 ELEIFEND^DULUTH WA 92611",
    "licenseClass": "B/C/D",
    "licenseClassDetails": {
      "B": {
        "from": "2019-01-30",
        "to": "2029-01-30",
        "notes": "Some valuable note"
      "C": {
        "from": "2019-01-30",
        "to": "2029-01-30"
      "D": {
        "from": "2019-01-30",
        "to": "2029-01-30"
    "croppedFrontImage": {
      "contentType": "image/jpeg",
      "content": "Y3JvcHBlZEZyb250SW1hZ2U="
    "croppedBackImage": {
      "contentType": "image/jpeg",
      "content": "Y3JvcHBlZEJhY2tJbWFnZQ=="
    "faceImage": {
       "contentType": "image/jpeg",
       "content": "ZmFjZUltYWdlCg=="
  "nfcVerified": false,
  "addressProofDocument": {
    "contentType": "application/pdf",
    "content": "YWRkcmVzc1Byb29mRG9jdW1lbnQK"

This endpoint should be called by your backend system.

The client secret, as its name suggests, is a secret and should never be made publicly available. It SHOULD NOT be stored in the frontend code that is run in the user's browser.

The code can be used once only. On subsequent requests you will get an error that the code is invalid or expired.

The successful response on getting the verification result can hold the following properties:

Each document data field can hold the following properties:

Not all documents contain surname and given names as separate fields. Quite often there is just a single field where surname and given names follow each other. So surname and givenNames fields exist in the retrieved document data only when they exist in the user document as separate ones.

All binary data like content of images, attached documents and so on are returned in base64 format and will need to be decoded.

Last updated